Editorials from NewsEdge's premium sources - including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post - provide Issues & Controversies users with direct access to related up-to-date editorial content.
Accessing Editorials from NewsEdge:
- To find editorials about a specific issue, you can navigate to the issue, select a Pro/Con article, and then click on the Editorials tab for that article.
- Users can also perform a basic keyword search, and then click on the Editorials tab in their search results to view the NewsEdge content.
On both the Pro/Con article tab and the search results page, editorials can be filtered by date as well as by source.
To see a complete list of all the premium editorial sources included in the NewsEdge content feed, click on the Sources link found in the hamburger menu at the top of each page. Once on the Sources page, click on the Editorials tab to view the list.