Basic Search Tips


You can search using keywords or a specific phrase for results, from any page. Capitalization does not matter. Results are returned sorted by relevance (the default).

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators—AND, OR, NOT—can be added to search terms to refine results. If no operator is added, the AND operator is used automatically.

  • Enter a search term. Examples:
    1. safety and school
    2. safety or school
    3. safety not school
  • Results include:
    1. all articles with all of the search terms, safety as well as school
    2. all articles with either of the search terms, safety or school or both
    3. only articles without the excluded search term, articles with safety that do not include school

Phrase Search

Use double quotation marks to define an exact phrase or phrases.

  • Examples:
    1. "white house"
    2. "white house" and taliban
    3. "white house" and "bill clinton"
  • Results include:
    1. articles with white house together as a phrase but not a story with, for example, the phrases "white supremacist" and "house majority"
    2. articles with white house as a phrase that also contain taliban
    3. articles with white house as a phrase that also contain bill clinton as a phrase

Note: The Boolean operators OR and NOT can also be used in a Phrase Search. AND is the default.

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